Outdoor vs. Indoor Grown Cannabis

Outdoor vs. Indoor Grown Cannabis: What Sets Them Apart?

Navigating through cultivation methods of cannabis can be overwhelming, especially when distinguishing between outdoor and indoor-grown varieties. Previously we distinguished the difference between Indica, Sativa and Hybrids. Now it’s time to take a dive into the difference between outdoor vs indoor cannabis. Both growing environments have unique benefits and potential drawbacks. At Cannabis of Worcester, we aim to inform our patrons about these distinctions to ensure they make the best choice for their preferences.

  1. Growth Environment:
  • Outdoor: Outdoor cannabis plants bask in natural sunlight and environmental conditions. They can stretch and expand, leveraging both vertical and horizontal space.
  • Indoor: Housed in controlled settings, indoor cannabis thrives under conditions set by the grower, from light cycles to temperature and humidity.
  1. Light Source:
  • Outdoor: Mother Nature’s sunlight offers a full spectrum of rays. While this enriches the cannabinoid and terpene profile, plants remain subject to unpredictable weather.
  • Indoor: Artificial lights, including LED, HPS, and CFL, recreate the sun’s benefits, enabling cultivation all year and multiple harvest seasons.
  1. Growth Cycle:
  • Outdoor: Nature dictates outdoor plants primarily harvest in the fall. Daylight hours naturally trigger their flowering stage.
  • Indoor: Within controlled confines, growers can induce flowering at their discretion, leading to several harvests annually.
  1. Pest and Disease Management:
  • Outdoor: While benefiting from natural predators, outdoor plants are more exposed to potential pests and diseases. That does not mean outdoor cannabis has more diseases or pests, it just means it’s prone to more potential pests.
  • Indoor: Contained environments reduce pest risks, but contamination can spread rapidly if not addressed.

It’s important to note that all cannabis products sold in dispensaries in Massachusetts, undergo rigorous testing for diseases, pests, mold, and other potentially harmful substances before being available for sale to the public. These tests are conducted at cannabis laboratories that operate under the strict oversight of the Cannabis Control Commission.

  1. Flavor and Potency:
  • Outdoor: Many believe that natural elements and sunlight offer outdoor cannabis a more profound flavor.
  • Indoor: Indoor varieties are often praised for their heightened potency, given the environment’s customization to boost THC or CBD output.
  1. Environmental Impact:
  • Outdoor: Outdoor growing, though energy-efficient, can impact local ecosystems if not responsibly managed.
  • Indoor: Indoor cultivation, especially those dependent on non-renewable energy sources, might have a higher carbon footprint.
  1. Cost:
  • Outdoor: Generally more affordable due to sunlight-driven photosynthesis, though yields can be influenced by unpredictable weather.
  • Indoor: Despite a pricier setup and recurring electricity costs, indoor cultivation often promises consistent yields.

Discover Your Preferred Choice at Cannabis of Worcester – The top cannabis dispensary in Worcester, MA.

Ultimately, the choice between outdoor and indoor-grown cannabis is highly personal. Some enthusiasts lean toward the organic feel and taste of outdoor strains, while others vouch for the consistency and potency of indoor-grown buds. No matter your preference, Cannabis of Worcester prides itself on hosting a diverse range of both.

To explore our extensive collection and determine your favorite, visit our menu here. Have any product recommendations? Fill out our product recommendation form here so we can stock up on your favorite product!